Segment | Name | Episode | Mini Show |
1 | The Ms. Fortune Story | 1 | Frogger |
2 | Mississippi Madness | 1 | Donkey Kong |
3 | Trucknapper Caper | 1 | Donkey Kong Jr. |
4 | Pitfall's Panda Puzzle | 1 | Pitfall |
5 | Gorilla Gangster | 2 | Donkey Kong |
6 | Sheep Rustle Hustle | 2 | Donkey Kong Jr. |
7 | Spaced Out Frogs | 2 | Frogger |
8 | Amazon Jungle Bungle | 2 | Pitfall |
9 | The Who-Took-Toadwalker Story | 3 | Frogger |
10 | Banana Bikers | 3 | Donkey Kong |
11 | Disc Derby Fiasco | 3 | Q-Bert |
12 | Rocky Mountain Monkey Business | 3 | Donkey Kong Jr. |
13 | Hydrofoil and Seek | 4 | Frogger |
14 | The Incredible Shrinking Ape | 4 | Donkey Kong |
15 | Magnificent 7-Year-Olds | 4 | Donkey Kong Jr. |
16 | Raiders of the Lost Shark | 4 | Pitfall |
17 | The Great Scuba Scoop | 5 | Frogger |
18 | Movie Mania | 5 | Donkey Kong |
19 | The Great Q*Tee Contest | 5 | Q-Bert |
20 | The Ventriloquist Caper | 5 | Donkey Kong Jr. |
21 | Gorilla My Dreams | 6 | Donkey Kong |
22 | The Great Seal Steal | 6 | Donkey Kong Jr. |
23 | The Headline Hunters | 6 | Frogger |
24 | Tibetan Treasure Trouble | 6 | Pitfall |
25 | The Legs Croaker Story | 7 | Frogger |
26 | Little Orphan Apey | 7 | Donkey Kong |
27 | Q-bowl Rigamarole | 7 | Q-Bert |
28 | The Jungle Boy Ploy | 7 | Donkey Kong Jr. |
29 | The Blackboard Bungle | 8 | Frogger |
30 | Circus Daze | 8 | Donkey Kong |
31 | Junior Meets Kid Dynamo | 8 | Donkey Kong Jr. |
32 | Masked Menace Mess | 8 | Pitfall |
33 | Good Knight, Frogger | 9 | Frogger |
34 | The Great Ape Escape | 9 | Donkey Kong |
35 | Crazy Camp Creature | 9 | Q-Bert |
36 | Amazing Rollerskate Race | 9 | Donkey Kong Jr. |
37 | Fake Me Out to the Ball Game | 10 | Frogger |
38 | Apey and the Snowbeast | 10 | Donkey Kong |
39 | A Christmas Story | 10 | Donkey Kong Jr. |
40 | The Sabretooth Goof | 10 | Pitfall |
41 | I Remember Mummy | 11 | Frogger |
42 | How Much is that Gorilla in the Window | 11 | Donkey Kong |
43 | Thanksgiving for the Memories | 11 | Q-Bert |
44 | Gorilla Ghost | 11 | Donkey Kong Jr. |
45 | Here Today, Pawned Tomorrow | 12 | Frogger |
46 | Private Donkey Kong | 12 | Donkey Kong |
47 | Teddy Bear Scare | 12 | Donkey Kong Jr. |
48 | The Pyramid Panic | 12 | Pitfall |
49 | Hop-Along Frogger | 13 | Frogger |
50 | Get Along Little Apey | 13 | Donkey Kong |
51 | Dog Day Dilemma | 13 | Q-Bert |
52 | Double or Nothing | 13 | Donkey Kong Jr. |
53 | Sir Donkey Kong | 14 | Donkey Kong |
54 | Take Me Out to the Q*Game | 14 | Q-Bert |
55 | Cute Groots | 14 | Space Ace |
56 | Trunkfull of Trouble | 14 | Kangaroo |
57 | The Pale Whale | 15 | Donkey Kong |
58 | Noser P.I. | 15 | Q-Bert |
59 | Cosmic Camp Catastrophe | 15 | Space Ace |
60 | Zoo for Hire | 15 | Kangaroo |
61 | El Donkey Kong | 16 | Donkey Kong |
62 | Hook, Line, and Mermaid | 16 | Q-Bert |
63 | Dangerous Decoy | 16 | Space Ace |
64 | Bat's Incredible | 16 | Kangaroo |
65 | New Wave Ape | 17 | Donkey Kong |
66 | Q*Historic Days | 17 | Q-Bert |
67 | Moon Missile Madness | 17 | Space Ace |
68 | The White Squirrel of Dover | 17 | Kangaroo |
69 | Greenhouse Gorilla | 18 | Donkey Kong |
70 | Q*bert's Monster Mix-up | 18 | Q-Bert |
71 | Perilous Partners | 18 | Space Ace |
72 | The Birthday Party | 18 | Kangaroo |
73 | Hairy Parent | 19 | Donkey Kong |
74 | Game Shoe Woe | 19 | Q-Bert |
75 | Frozen in Fear | 19 | Space Ace |
76 | Having a Ball | 19 | Kangaroo |
77 | The Wacky Q-bot | 20 | Q-Bert |
78 | Age Ray Riot | 20 | Space Ace |
79 | The Tail of the Cowardly Lion | 20 | Kangaroo |
80 | Q-Beat it | 21 | Q-Bert |
81 | Wanted: Dexter | 21 | Space Ace |
82 | It's Carnival Time | 21 | Kangaroo |
83 | Q-Urf's Up | 22 | Q-Bert |
84 | Phantom Shuttle | 22 | Space Ace |
85 | Lost and Found | 22 | Kangaroo |
86 | Little Green Noser | 23 | Q-Bert |
87 | Spoiled Sports | 23 | Space Ace |
88 | Joey and the Beanstalk | 23 | Kangaroo |
89 | Rebel Without a Q-Ause | 24 | Q-Bert |
90 | Calamity Kimmie | 24 | Space Ace |
91 | Zoo's Who | 24 | Kangaroo |
92 | Looking for Miss Q-Right | 25 | Q-Bert |
93 | Three-Ring Rampage | 25 | Space Ace |
94 | The Egg and Us | 25 | Kangaroo |
95 | Gorilla on the Trail | 26 | Donkey Kong |
96 | The Goofy Ghostgetters | 26 | Q-Bert |
97 | Infanto Fury | 26 | Space Ace |
98 | The Runaway Panda | 26 | Kangaroo |